Boosting Female Fertility Through Nutrition: Key Insights from Research

nutrition has a big impact on fertility / die Ernährungng spielt eine große Rolle bei Kinderwunsch

Infertility is a challenge faced by many couples worldwide, with about 15% struggling to conceive after a year of unprotected sex. While there are many contributing factors, including physiological and environmental elements, recent studies highlight the significant impact of diet and nutrition on female fertility (see also: lifestyle tips for future dads). A comprehensive review […]

Your journey to pregnancy: Know your fertile days

fertile days are during your cycle around ovulation the best time to conceive die fruchtbaren Tage sind um den Eisprung herum die besten Zeit um schwanger zu werden im Zyklus

We know how you feel. Having a baby is a deep desire for many of us. In this blog post, we’d love to show you how you can get closer to your dream of pregnancy by determining your fertile days. It’s so important to know your fertile days if you’re hoping to get pregnant! These […]

Navigating the Folate – Folic Acid Debate: What Every Future Mother Needs to Know

folic acid and folate are important before and during pregnancy to prevent neural tube disorders Folsäure und Folat sind vor und während einer Schwangerschaft wichtig um Fehlbildungen vorzubeugen

When it comes to preparing for pregnancy, the importance of sufficient folic acid intake cannot be overstated. This essential B-vitamin plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) – serious birth defects affecting the spinal cord and brain. The neural tube forms very early in pregnancy, at a time when […]

Enhancing Oocyte Quality: 4 Steps Towards Better Fertility

Paar mit Kinderwunsch Couple trying to conceive

Prioritizing your health not only benefits your overall well-being but also plays a crucial role in enhancing oocyte quality. Incorporating four simple steps into your daily routine can significantly contribute to improving fertility outcomes and overall reproductive health.   Step 1: Embrace Relaxation Psychological stress can adversely impact oocyte competence by diverting blood flow away […]