Preparing for Labor and Birth

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As your pregnancy progresses, there is a lot to prepare for the birth of your baby. Antenatal Classes: Empowering Through Knowledge Antenatal classes serve as invaluable resources for parents-to-be, particularly for first-time expectant parents. From understanding anatomy to mastering breathing techniques, these classes instill a sense of confidence and security crucial for labor. Moreover, the […]

Choline: important nutrient for a healthy pregnancy

choline is important during pregnancy and breastfeeding Cholin ist wichtig in der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit

Vanessa and Paul  look at the box of prenatal vitamins they have bought. Vanessa tries to decipher the small print and mumbles: “Folic acid, vitamin D, iodine… And what’s choline?” Paul, her partner and the father-to-be, frowns: “I’ve never heard of it. Is it really important for pregnancy?” Healthcare right from the start Since deciding […]

Coffee during preconception: Is caffeine harmful to fertility?

does coffee impair fertility

There is a lot of information about how lifestyle and diet can affect fertility. However, when it comes to the consumption of coffee, latte macchiato or espresso, there are often contradictory statements.   The influence of caffeine on female fertility   Studies show that excessive coffee consumption can lead to longer waiting times for pregnancy […]

¿Estás embarazada? ¡Esto es lo que necesitas saber!

¿Estás embarazada? ¡Felicidades! ¿Supongo que tienes muchas preguntas en este momento? Existe una gran cantidad de consejos sobre el embarazo y, a veces, pueden parecer un poco abrumadores. Aquí he recopilado algunos consejos que me han resultado útiles no solo gracias a mi experiencia profesional sino también a mi experiencia personal. Después de todo, […]